Gary Gregg has appeared on numerous national and local TV programs and on the web. Here are a few samples of those experiences. Though his time is limited, Gregg loves to speak to school groups and civic organizations when he can and does what TV and radio programs he can fit into his day job of running the McConnell Center at the University of Louisville.
Gregg receives national
'George Washington Medal'
The Freedoms Foundation of Valley Forge awarded the 'George Washington Medal for Public Communications' to McConnell Center Director Gary Gregg.
The national award, presented Feb. 3 in Chattanooga, Tenn., was given in recognition for Gregg's 2018 Constitution Day speech at the University of Tennessee Chattanooga. Gregg's speech focused on lessons from Washington's farewell address and other ways the country's first commander-in-chief brought his missions to an end.
'It matters just as much how you leave a place as it does how you begin,' Gregg said.
Eighth Annual Dr. Richard Gruetzemacher Constitution Day Lecture Series
On September 19th, 2018, Gary L. Gregg, the Mitch McConnell Chair in Leadership and Director of the McConnell Center at the University of Louisville, spoke to an audience of approximately 300 people. Gregg’s topic for the 8th annual UTC Constitution Day public lecture was 'Patriot Sage: Why We Need George Washington Today.'
Intercollegiate Studies Institute Alumni Spotlight- Profile on Gregg
And so, from 1986 to 2018, I can say without reservation, I have never been associated with a more important and impactful institution, I have never learned more from any other institution, and I would not have accomplished anything near what I have been able to without ISI’s support, publications, and network of friends they have made possible.
Defending the Electoral College
on Kentucky Tonight
A discussion about the Electoral College with scheduled guests Gary Gregg, director of the McConnell Center at the University of Louisville and editor of Securing Democracy: Why we have an Electoral College; Richard Labunski, a professor in the School of Journalism and Telecommunications at the University of Kentucky and author of The Second Constitutional Convention: How the American People Can Take Back Their Government; Jane Rainey, an Eastern Kentucky University government professor and co-author of Reexamining the Distribution of Power in the Electoral College; and Brian Clardy, Murray State University history professor.
Profile of McConnell Center and
Gregg on "One-to-One" with Bill Goodman
Gary Gregg II, director of the McConnell Center at the University of Louisville, discusses politics and the recent re-publication of Hero Tales from American History, an 1895 book for young people that was recently made available again by the McConnell Center. A 2011 KET production.
Christian Leadership and the Moral Imagination at Kentucky Christian University
This is a lecture with Dr. Gray L. Gregg II speaking on, "Christian Leadership and the Moral Imagination." This video was filmed at Kentucky Christian University Young Library and in association with the History/Prelaw program.
The Quality of Our Imaginations:
A conversation with Gary L. Gregg
The University Bookman is pleased to present this interview with Gary L. Gregg, II, who holds the Mitch McConnell Chair in Leadership at the University of Louisville, where he directs the McConnell Center. He is the author or editor of nine books, including a new series of young adult novels called The Remnant Chronicles. Elsewhere on the site this week we have a review of his new novel, The Iona Conspiracy.